Yoke Messenger Case Study

Yoke messenger is a cross-platform mobile messenger works wherever you have internet access (Wi-Fi, edge or 3G) and has all the features of existing messenger apps such as: push notifications, sending pictures, location, group chats, broadcast chats, read receipts, etc… But has taken it all a step further. With a uniquely attractive and easy to use UI,Yoke has added features that we promise you’ll love! Whether you are 9 or 99! All with no extra cost!

Yoke wanted to keep up with the rapid adoption of iPhone devices in KSA and Kuwait and promote their application into the right audience using a healthy cost per click and cost effective download per user.

Campaign Objectives:

1-Introduce the Yoke Messenger and its features to the mobile users in Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia and create the needed awareness across all mobile phone users from all networks

2- Increase the number of users who are using the Yoke Messenger

Campaign Duration

Seven weeks


1- Daily measurements of Click through rate for the banner which were designed, developed, and maintained by AdFalcon

2-Number of users who downloaded the Yoke Messenger

How it worked

AdFalcon served Yoke display banners across its elite and premium inventory in the region targeting Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to provide the maximum local reach and engagement.

The minute the user clicks on the mobile interactive banners, they will arrive to Apple AppStore to allow the users to download the Yoke Messenger.

The results

Number of impressions during the campaign: +42,000,000

Number of consumers reached throughout the campaign period: 600,000

Cost per download: 50% below the global average (around 70 cents per download)

Highest CTR achieved throughout the campaign: 0.88%